CDF Time Conversions

There are three (3) unique epoch data types in CDF: CDF_EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH16 and CDF_TIME_TT2000.

  • CDF_EPOCH is milliseconds since Year 0.

  • CDF_EPOCH16 is picoseconds since Year 0.

  • CDF_TIME_TT2000 (TT2000 as short) is nanoseconds since J2000 with leap seconds.

The following two classes contain functions to convert those times into formats that are in more standard use.

cdflib.epochs Module



Convert between CDF-based epochs, np.datetime64, and Unix time.

cdflib.epochs_astropy Module

CDF Astropy Epochs

@author: Bryan Harter



Class to encapsulate astropy time routines with CDF class.